Earn free bitcoin Business & Finance - Top Blogs Philippines SFI Affiliates Basic Course 101: The Five Benefits That SFI Affiliates Currently Enjoys Today

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Five Benefits That SFI Affiliates Currently Enjoys Today

Have you ever heard about SFI (Strong Future International)? If yes, I can say that you heard it with negative feedback or you read a negative reviews from different people in the web. If your answer is NO, all I can say is that you need read this article, and potentially will you today or in the future regarding EARNING EXTRA MONEY ONLINE.

What is SFI (Strong Future International)? – It is a company where its main purpose is to make other people build its own business in the comfort of their own home. SFI has long track of people that are being successful in online business. SFI had 19 prosperous years of existence that many people around the world adore because they can now build their own business at home or they earn huge income on the comfort of their own home. Also, SFI (Strong Future International) have its own partner online store named Tripleclicks Store.

What is Tripleclicks Store? – This store is the partner of SFI, where its affiliates can sell products online. But remember, SFI affiliates are not required to sell any products at Tripleclicks store. Although, selling products could increase your earnings or commission for a month. In this online store, more than 80,000 products can be found from a TV to a weight loss remedy. In addition to that, Tripleclicks store is composition of many online stores around the world, where the owners are also SFI affiliates it is called ECA (E-commerce Associates). This means that your country have a Tripleclicks store, meaning that the delivery time of the products is just days not weeks on the other online store. Also the products of Tripleclicks store are cheap yet have Quality in it.

Here are the benefits of joining SFI (Strong Future International):

1.       Having a great source of Residual Income

Yes, SFI is a great source of residual income for you and your family, this means if you don’t even work or you’re just watching TV all month, you are still earning. Because, your downline works for you, they’re working at SFI for you.

2.       They own a business without spending a penny

Business really requires an investment or money to get started but in SFI you can build a business from scratch without a single penny. And you know that having a business means more income to your family.  The only thing you need to spend here is time and hard work, off course.

3.       Earning Huge Money in their own home

This true in SFI (Strong Future International), you can earn thousands of dollars here by just becoming its affiliates. SFI had very good compensation plan to its affiliates. Also, there many ways in SFI in earning huge money not just only by selling products from the Tripleclicks store. Many of their affiliates have already earning more than $10,000 per month. If they can earn that money, why you can’t?.

4.       SFI (Strong Future International)  pays them in consistent date (every 10th of the Month)

Many companies in the web right now, pays its members regularly every month, but no specific date. Here in SFI they pay their affiliates every 10th of the month. If the 10th day fall on weekend, they will pay immediately to the next business day. It is very important that a company have a consistent date on when they pay their affiliates, because it have produce a legitimacy to its company.

5.       SFI (Strong Future International) is LEGIT company NOT a SCAM

Scam in the web right now is everywhere, but SFI is a company that never SCAM its affiliates. If you read reviews about SFI that it is a scam, this people writing this reviews don’t how SFI really works for them. This people are loser, they drag other people to their side which is a LOSER SIDE by writing negative reviews.

I, myself in my first two months believe that SFI is just a SCAM company but they prove me wrong. In my third month in SFI, I began to earn and they pay me in the following month. Until this day, my earnings goes up and still I am learning strategy to earn more in SFI.

That’s the five benefits in joining SFI (Strong Future International) or becoming their affiliates. In SFI, every work you put in will have huge impact on your success in the future. My only advised to you is to navigate SFI first and read some testimonials by other SFI affiliates before you SIGN UP.

If you decided to SIGN UP, click this link.

I will help you personally navigate in SFI, and we can be teammate. As a team, our main goal is to earn at SFI but we cannot earn if we don’t help each other.

If your looking to BUY something at Tripleclicks, click here.

If you want to SELL something at Tripleclicks, click here.

Note: SFI is NOT “Get Rich Quick Scheme” company.


  1. I could not sign up with ma google acount

  2. you can sign up with your google account

  3. Love your Blog I am your Co-Sponsor, Mark Martin

  4. How much does it take to go into the business?

  5. The two very important keys are lots of effort and time you put everyday. But you need to read first the Launchpad. All the important information for your success can be found there.

  6. Keep up the Great Work, checkout http://martin.sfidreambiz.com/

  7. how do i get a payooneer card..would love to join sfi

    1. Hello, If you want to get a payoneer card from SFI, you need to at least earn $20 of commission from sales or from VP. If you already have $20 in your SFI account, SFI will send you a notification that you can register for a Payoneer Debit Card.

  8. Can student join the affiliate marketing

    1. of course, a student can join and also other people. Any people can join SFI for FREE.

  9. I hope I can join and have constant assess from Nigeria

    1. You can join here sir for FREE even if you're from Nigeria

  10. Please what's the web address?

  11. Please what's the web address?

  12. and what can you sell at Triple Clicks? only your products?

  13. What do I need to register
    I mean like bank account PayPal or visa card?

  14. what should i use to make purchase in tripleclicks, is it with tcredit?
